Butterfly Kisses
"When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you, and your story will heal someone else."
Let's think about that for a moment. What a powerful statement. The power that comes from sharing your story. Not only for yourself, but for others. That is why I created this box -- to share, empower, and inspire through the healing power of telling their stories. My name is Susan Morreale. I am…a mom, a daughter, a sister, a business owner, a registered nurse, a wellness activist, a cancer thriver and a strong woman.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 41. It’s very scary hearing the word cancer anytime, but especially at such a young age. I was pretty shocked by that - I thought I was pretty healthy. I thought I ate healthy and that I took pretty good care of myself . I did - but I learned that there was so much more that I could do. I went through some extensive treatment - chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiation and then chose to remove my ovaries - all before the age of 42.
After I got through with this part of my story, I knew I wanted to give back and create something that expressed my journey and would help others on theirs. I created a beautiful line of jewelry with my daughter, Ciara - the HER Story Jewelry Collection - and from there, this box.
When I was going through breast cancer, it was so difficult to decide on things that would help me. I wanted everything I put in my body, on my skin and in my mind to be healthy + healing. I created this box filled with products that do just that - each of them created by a breast cancer survivor who also took this journey - who are surviving - who took their experience and used it to help other women. It’s filled with products that are good for the mind, the body and the soul. When we nurture and take care of all three of those we can begin to find - and keep - our balance.
When my sister, Cindy, went through breast cancer, she was always taking care of others; always making care packages filled with love, strength and hope. I would think to myself “How can you be so strong and full of hope for the others when you yourself are going through one of the most difficult times of your life?”. She would wrap these packages up with things that would make a woman feel beautiful + supported, ready to embrace the changes they were going through, mind, body and soul. Inspiring them to transition with the grace and brilliance of the butterfly. Every time I see a butterfly, I think of her strength and her butterfly kisses.
Imagine yourself being wrapped up with love + healing. I believe we are here to support one another + help each other to live the best life we can.
Know that you are not alone on this journey. If you ever get lost, remember you have a circle of strong women around you.
May we walk together in Strength.
- Sue
Sue + Ciara Morreale - mother-daughter team behind HER Story | HER Sanctuary | HER Kitchen
Butterfly Kisses Journal - HER Story
A custom designed journal by Sue + Ciara Morreale. This journal is velvety + smooth to the touch - with original artwork + quotes. The image on the front is an outline of a woman holding a butterfly, symbolic of the graceful + beautiful transition they go through. The inside pages are filled with lined paper - perfect for writing your thoughts, affirmations or whatever you feel like.
Our hope is that you use this journal to start each morning channeling your intentions for how you want the day to unfold.
Why We Love It:
Journaling was a practice that really helped me through - and continues to be part of my daily wellness ritual. Writing helped me to connect with how I was feeling, and helped me to practice gratitude, as hard as that was. For me, gratitude was one of the best parts of my journaling - it helped me to focus on the things that I had in my life that were good and positive.
Hope + Strength Bracelet - HER Story
a piece from the Strong Women Collection
Created in collaboration with breast cancer survivor Mercedes Wilson, this bracelet is intended to be worn as an everyday reminder to find your own hope + strength. As you touch each stone, tell yourself that you are strong and rooted in hope.
Mercedes was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at the age of 28. Her desire to educate young women about her personal story and help them become advocates for their own health + wellness - a mission that truly resonated with the mission of the HER Story brand - blossomed from this experience. After becoming friends with her, and witnessing her passion for empowering women, we knew that we had to create a piece inspired by this.
Mercedes lives by the word HOPE; Sue, by the word STRENGTH. Together, I knew we could make a difference in the lives of women of all ages.HER Story Jewelry is proud to donate 10% of the proceeds of this piece to her For Our Daughters.
Why We Love It:
In 2009, I was walking past a jewelry store and saw a sterling silver bracelet in the window that only said LIVESTRONG. I thought to myself, “What a beautiful reminder to wear on my arm - something to remember that I want to live each day with strength, no matter what challenges I am faced with.” I knew that I wanted to create something for women that embodied that same feeling - that could be worn everyday.
As much as I value the intention behind “pink” campaigns, to me, it was more of a constant reminder of my fears, my struggles, or having cancer. By choosing to build this collection around STRENGTH, I am hoping it will be a constant reminder of your inner strength, the strength surrounding you, the strength in your story. I chose gemstones that represented strength, femininity, new beginnings, grounding, balance + faith. Wear this piece and remember as a 'strong woman', it is not just staying strong through the journey of life, but having faith that it is in the journey itself that you become strong.
Butterfly Intention Stone - HER Story
A tiny object, small enough to fit in your hand, a powerful reminder to be strong and weather the journey of life, just like the transformation of the butterfly.
Look to the grace + beauty of the butterfly + realize that our journey is the only guarantee. Keep the faith, accept the change that comes + emerge from our transitions as brilliantly as the butterfly.
Why We Love It
While I was going through treatment, I always had an angel stone in my pocket that my mom gave me. I loved it and it reminded me that I was going to get through this. I would repeat my mantras on it, and it truly gave me comfort and focus. I hope the butterfly intention does just that for you - reminds you of your brilliance and strength to push on, transforming into a strong and beautiful soul capable of achieving great things while appreciating yourself and honoring your soul along the way.
Healing Salve - Violets are Blue
With a base of Shea and Cocoa Butters, this salve is a winning combo for aged, cracked, and treated skin. Olive and Sunflower oils help to rejuvenate and nourish your skin, while Peppermint and Rosemary oils make it an aromatic dream! Apply to feet before bed and let the oils soften damaged skin while you sleep. You can also use the salve on areas of excess dryness such as elbows and hands.
Their formulas feature time-honored ingredients and are handcrafted in small batches to restore and revive your skin, revealing a natural beauty that comes from, well... being loved. All products are made with organic, natural + thoughtfully sourced ingredients.
Why We Love It:
Keeping your skin hydrated and healthy through all of the changes it is experiencing is so important. I became very focused on what I put ON my body. I knew that I wanted clean products, free from any chemicals and packed with healthy nutrients. Cynthia’s balm checks all of these boxes.
Cynthia’s Story ………
Violets Are Blue was created because of a personal need for skincare that is natural and safe for the body as well as the environment.
Born in Seattle, Cynthia first landed in New York City determined to to find her way as an actress, after completing a major in theater at the University of Oregon. She worked on Broadway for 10yrs before checking out the real estate scene and quickly became one of the top brokers in the city. After receiving a breast cancer diagnosis in 2011, Cynthia’s successful career in the cutthroat world of New York City real estate came to a skidding halt.
While undergoing treatment, one of her first actions was to toss out all beauty products containing unsafe chemicals and synthetic fragrances, leaving her medicine cabinet bare. She was shocked by the mislabeling of many skincare and beauty products that were classified as "natural" while containing parabens, sulfates, and other chemicals known known to work as endocrine disruptors linked to cancer and reproductive concerns. She dove into the world of natural skincare, learning everything she could about essential oils, and other natural ingredients that work effectively to nourish, cleanse, and hydrate without causing harm. Cynthia learned that there are key botanicals and herbs that can alleviate and treat problems for any skin type or age.
She drew upon this, along with her desire to give back, and established Violets Are Blue in 2015. She used her knowledge and passion for naturally-derived skincare ingredients to formulate a consciously-produced line of products, each one a true labor of love. In addition to developing new products for the Signature and Beloved lines, Cynthia provides patients at the Mt. Sinai Dubin Breast Center in NYC with a gifted package of Beloved products upon their first day of chemotherapy.
She is also proud to have created a company that supports women helping women, with 10% of the purchase price of all products going toward skincare donations for cancer patients.
Matcha + Seeds Energy Bar - Jeca Bars
The Matcha + Seeds bar is inspired by one of Japan's healthiest ingredients: Matcha Green Tea. The sweet, calming flavors of agave nectar and dates balance the grassy notes of matcha with the mildly nutty taste of seeds to create a zen experience. Jam-packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, minerals, and fiber, this "green bar" will give you everything you need to stay balanced, clean, and energized. This is the perfect snack to turn to revitalize from your afternoon slump.
Why We Love It:
Being mindful of what I put IN my body was also so important to me. Food was such a big part of my healing. I learned so much about foods that heal and foods that harm. Finding healthy snacks that were loaded with clean healthy nutrients on days when I needed that extra boost of energy were sometimes hard to find. Jeca Bars are not only good for you - but so satisfying. Bonus: they are filled with Matcha Green Tea, known for promoting longevity.
Ree’s Story…
Jeca Bars was founded in 2015 by Ree Dolnick, who wears many hats. She’s been everything from a mother to a sous chef to a cancer researcher at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. With her culinary and scientific backgrounds, Ree started making all-natural energy bars in her kitchen. They became such a hit with her friends that she started JECA Energy Bar Company. She even named the company after her daughter’s nickname. JECA is a Women Owned Small Business.
From healthy fats to high amounts of fiber, from hearty proteins to antioxidants, she wanted her bars to offer an energy bar option where each and every single ingredient was selected to work with each other to accomplish essential functions in your body. Power your mind, get you going, truly nourish you and feel proud of what you eat!
“With so many different nutrition philosophies out there, it's hard to figure out if you’re eating right or not. At Jeca Bar, we believe it’s possible to be healthy without going to extremes. It comes down to choosing whole foods whenever possible, avoiding artificial ingredients, and enjoying everything in moderation.”
Chemo Beanies
These beanies are created by survivors for survivors as a simple solution to the expanded burden women face during a serious health crisis. Crème Ruffle Signature Slip-On beanie adds feminine volume, producing the subtle look and feel of having hair. The unique elastic design stretches for a comfortable and easy fit. Slips on and off with ease; No tying necessary. The patented design features a fluent fabric flap for a polished look that provides full coverage around the nape of the neck. Chemo Beanies® ends the search for the perfect fashionable fit and allows women to spend precious time focusing on their healthcare, not their headwear. Each beanie is named after warriors they have met on their journey.
Why We Love It:
I think loosing my hair was one of the most difficult things to go through. Looking in the mirror was challenging on many days. Having something simple, but still fashionable and beautiful was important - especially since I love my fashion. Chemo Beanies are both of those things. You slip it on and you are ready to get your day going.
Angelle’s Story…
In 2005, our Co-Founder Angelle was just 38 years old with 3small children when she was given a 34% chance of surviving breast cancer. The diagnosis itself was a heartbreaker, but the idea of losing her figure and hair was absolutely heart-wrenching.Her locks of long curly hair were her signature, but faking her exotic hair with a wig in 2005 was not possible.The struggle to find good-looking, good-fitting head covers just didn't exist. Scarves were costly, had to be tied, and refused to stay in place. Her search caused her more anxiety than she could handle. She lost her dignity and mostly went bald or lived in a comfy bandana that left many parts of her head exposed.
Five years later, she survived thanks to new targeted therapies liked Herceptin. She had the honor of being the first women to cheer on Dr. Denny Slamon (Harry Connick, Jr.) at the end of the movie, Living Proof -- a movie filmed in her hometown about the hero, who she knows without a doubt, saved her life! His story taught her that one person can change the world, and she had a new appreciation for the second chance at life she was given, and made a vow to live a purpose driven life.
In 2010, her sister was diagnosed, and she refused to let her suffer the same frustration. She came up with the perfect solution to ease the added burden of baldness for others. Along with her niece, they designed, developed, and patented, a simple, yet, stylish alternative to old-fashioned scarf-tying and your grandmother's turban. The goal was to provide one simple solution that would take the anxiety out of the search. A easy, slip-on solution that provides full coverage with a proprietary level of elastic bands in the back, that always keeps it comfortably in place. The built-in neck scarf was designed to invoke the feeling of having hair, without a large knot on the back of their head for long afternoons in the chemo chair.
Honey Lavender Hearts - Soothease
Developed by a holistic chef while going through chemotherapy, these Soothease Natural Chemo Drops are perfect for treating mouth sores, dry mouth, lack of taste buds and that awful metallic taste that is so common with treatment. Made of all natural, organic and non-GMO ingredients, these heart-shaped drops will help soothe your mouth while helping the body’s ability to regain its sense of taste. The drops taste great without being overpowering.
Each of these ingredients were carefully selected to help sooth the mouth: Organic Sugar, Organic Honey, Aloe Juice, Organic Lavender Extract, Organic Dried Dandelion Root, Organic Dried Chamomile, Organic Dried Calendula
Why We Love It
I know first hand how the side effects of chemotherapy and medical treatments can make your day-to-day difficult - especially eating. Whether you have nausea, mouth-sores, or no appetite, these candies can help ease these experiences. She harnessed the power of mother nature and created joy + healing for your body. Plus, the heart shape always makes me smile.
Samantha’s Story…
Samantha developed Soothease while going through chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. She experienced several side effects during treatment but her biggest complaint by far was how awful her mouth felt. It was always dry and uncomfortable and she would develop terrible mouth sores. Everything tasted like aluminum which made eating unenjoyable.
As a holistic chef, Samantha believes in the power of natural, earth-based foods. After many hours of trying combinations of various organic ingredients, she was finally satisfied with a great tasting candy. Samantha developed three flavors: the Honey Lavender and Chocolate Brown Rice both had a soothing effect and the Orange Barley helped my food taste better.
Samantha is a certified Holistic Health Coach. She received her training from the Institute for Integrated Nutrition in New York City. During her training she studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques and innovated coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. Among her teachers were Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University and Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Nutrition.
Samantha, an avid organic health foodie, currently works as an organic and vegan chef. She is married and a mother of three.
Original Quote by Susan Morreale
Other Amazing Survivors Doing Amazing Things….
Dana Donofree of Ana Ono - for beautiful bras + loungewear to support you before, during and after.
Barb of Knitted Knockers - for soft, comfortable, hand-crafted breast forms - made with love by volunteers for women who have had mastectomies - free to anyone who requests them.
Allie, Bri + Paige of The Breasties - for a community for survivors, previvors, thrivers, and carevivors, impacted by breast and gynecological cancers - on a mission to empower through connection, free events, and trusted resources, and to fund research for metastatic breast cancer.
April of WildFire Magazine + Community - for the women “too young” for breast cancer.
Melissa of Cancer Fashionista + Dear Cancer, I'm Beautiful - for a blog + podcast - a go-to resource for the Cancer Fashionista™.
Sue Morreale of HER Kitchen - for plant-based wellness.